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The TBB Climateers are an enthusiastic group of people who are working together to take action on the climate emergency which is so all-encompassing and so consequential. No one can do this by themselves. 

We are also an official chapter of the national Jewish organization Dayenu- “a Jewish Call to Climate Action” focused on “mobilizing Jewish support for critical federal and state climate policies that create the structural change … we need.”

Read about what we have been up to below, or check out Marya Axner's July 29, 2022 article on the launch of the TBB Climateers here.

Contact Marya at to receive Climateers emails or learn more about the Climateers.

Climate Fair Event

Monday, August 5
8:00-9:15 pm on Zoom

Monte Pearson and Marya Axner will give a presentation about the organization that governs our electric grid: The Independent Systems Operator of New England (ISO NE)

Why would anyone be interested in this? Because this organization, ISO NE, makes decisions about all the electricity that comes into our homes and businesses etc. Its decisions determine how fast we will transition to renewables and away from fossil fuels. Its decisions also influence how much we pay for electricity.

Zoom link:

How fast will we bring solar and wind energy into our grid? Find out.

Panel Discussion: Parenting and Climate Change

February 25, 2024

The TBB Climateers hosted a panel discussion at TBB on parenting in the face of climate change. 

Panelists: Anna Goldman, Aaron Helsinger and David Nurenburg (all members of TBB)

Moderator: Marya Axner (of TBB)

Presentation by Jewish Climate Action Network (JCAN)

August 10, 2023 

Temple B'nai Brith Climateers/Dayenu Circle and JALSA (Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action) co-sponsored a presentation by Jewish Climate Action Network (JCAN) on three key climate bills currently in the Massachusetts Legislature now. "The Future of Clean Heat in Massachusetts" (S.2105/H.3203) and “A Clean Heating Initiative in the Commonwealth and Reorganize the Energy Efficiency Programs Known as MassSave” (S.2082)

​Speakers: Mark Dyen and Andrew Steinberg
Moderator: Marya Axner (of TBB)

Climate Change and Racism: Addressing Racism as Central to Stopping Climate Change

Sunday, April 23, 2023 

What do racism and climate change have to do with each other? Lots. In fact, racism is at the very heart of why we are facing a climate crisis.  Bonnie Cohen of Mothers Out Front, with Marya Axner assisting her, gave an overview of how the fossil fuel industry has targeted People of Color and Indigenous people around the world and right here in the U.S. and how taking a stand against racism in all its forms is key to solving our climate crisis.  Bonnie spoke briefly, then we had time to process our understanding and discuss how we can take meaningful action. 

Passover Action at Chase Bank: Stop Funding Fossil Fuels!

Thursday April 21, 2023

Passover is a celebration of freedom. The holiday carries many lessons today as we face the climate crisis, working to free ourselves from the destruction of the fossil fuel economy and create a world where everyone can thrive.

During the week of Passover, Jews and allies gathered outside the Prudential branch of Chase Bank, the institution currently topping the list of banks funding the fossil fuel industry across the globe. Together, we publicly proclaimed today’s fossil-fueled plagues like flooding, wild fires, and other extreme weather events. We  called on Chase to divest from fossil fuels and become a force for good at this moment when the need to transition to renewable energy is so urgent.

Sponsors: Dayenu, JYCM, Exodus Alliance, JALSA

TBB Climateers Climate Fair: Decarbonizing our Lives

Sunday, February 26, 2023 

The Climateers presented a Zoom program on home and car decarbonization. 

Following the premise that people like to hear from their peers about how they made these transitions, a panel of TBB members talked about their experiences with installing solar electricity, or heat pumps, and buying electric vehicles. The panelists spoke about what they learned from the process, what worked out well, and what they found challenging. People liked hearing the accounts of other community members and asked lots of questions. Attendees who were considering making these transitions found encouragement and insight in hearing how regular folk did it.

Calling Arizona

Thursday, Oct. 27, 2022 

Dayenu and Environmental Voter Project partnered to make sure voters who care about the climate crisis understood the stakes of the election, and knew when and where to vote. 

A Kavanah from Rabbi Heidi Cohen was followed by a quick tutorial on how to make the calls. Then we dialed together. At the end of the shift, there was some live music from Rena Branson.

This shift was co-hosted by the RAC-CA, Adamah, JYCA, Colorado Jewish Climate Action: A Dayenu Circle, Dayenu Circle of Jewish Silicon Valley, Temple B'nai Brith Dayenu Circle, Beth Am Dayenu Circle, Beth Emet Dayenu Circle, Dayenu in the Heights, and Congregation Shir Ami Dayenu Circle.

TBB Climateers Climate Fair: Massachusetts Climate Bill and Next Steps for Massachusetts

Sunday, September 11, 2022 

What progress have we made toward confronting the climate crisis? How effective will the new Massachusetts climate bill be in turning things around? We heard from Anne Wright, Arlington resident and coordinator of the statewide Mothers Out Front ‘Clean Heat, Clean Air’ Campaign. She spoke with us about her work, the progress that we’ve made, and what we can do next.

Mothers Out Front is a national organization that works at the grassroots level for a livable climate for all. The Clean Heat, Clean Air Campaign in Massachusetts is doing this by:

-Stopping energy infrastructure that pollutes our air and warms the climate.

-Working toward systems changes to provide safe, affordable and clean heat for all Massachusetts homes.

-Centering environmental justice and labor rights as we work for these changes.

TBB Climateers Climate Fair: Presentation on Composting

June 23, 2022 

The TBB Climateers presented a program on composting. Presenters Aaron Chisom of Bootstrap Compost and Kirstie Pecci  of Conservation Law Foundation focused on composting, waste reduction and reasons why it is crucial to engage with these activities.

Did you know that food that is thrown out with the garbage ends up taking up space in landfills, where its decomposition creates methane gas, contributing to climate change, as well as toxic run off called leachate which can contaminate ground water?

Did you know that some cities, including Cambridge, have started to divert kitchen waste to anaerobic digesters, where most of the methane produced is captured and used as renewable energy? However, the food scraps in this process are mixed with sewage sludge. The leftover product may be referred to as “compost” but is in fact a toxic product. Sewage waste contains many chemicals that cannot be removed, so the "compost" is laden with forever chemicals, including PFAS which are toxic even in minuscule amounts.

Read Rachel Schwarz' summary of the program here! 

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784